work from home, 01


volume 01

It’s important for us to stay connected, especially during these times. We have created a space for our vaabs family - to explore ideas and share our everyday vibe. Think of this journal as a vaabs ‘how to’ guide, highlighting some of our ideal essentials. With playlists, living packs, recommended reads and some tools for the mind - physical distancing with social solidarity.


work from home playlist


music to create to - a playlist by

Music makes the world go round. We use it to help escape, explore new vibes, and get to place of optimal creativity. Take a listen to our work from home playlist - a mix of chilled tracks and positive ambience for productivity.

Just follow the link to your preferred platform:


Apple Music


“if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”

William H. McRaven

Jacob Topham